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The U.S. government stated that a record number of 21.3 million people have already signed up for health insurance coverage under Obamacare for 2024. This is a 31% increase over the previous year and the biggest number of people to sign up for coverage under the program since its inception.
Former President Barack Obama’s flagship instrument of domestic legislation, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also referred to as Obamacare, was signed into law in 2010. Its purpose is to provide assistance to those with low or middle incomes who do not have the option to obtain affordable medical insurance through their employers.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which is in charge of overseeing the markets administered by the Affordable Care Act, said on Wednesday that there were about 5 million more individuals who signed up for Obamacare insurance for this year compared to the previous year. One thing to note is that almost one quarter of the people choosing plans were new customers.
According to the authorities, the open enrollment period will extend until January 31 in four states and Washington, D.C.
HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra stated, “For decades, when it came to federal programs we could depend on to keep Americans covered, three were always top of mind — Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, but now it’s crystal clear that we need to add a fourth — the Affordable Care Act.”
Bacerra added that a straightforward approach contributes to success – informing people that they have secured the best deal in town. He highlighted that, with federal subsidies, 80% of individuals can discover plans with premiums as low as $10 a month or even less.
The significant increase in sign-ups comes at a time when the future of the history-making health reform law is once again becoming a topic of discussion in presidential campaigns.
Donald Trump, who is currently competing for the nomination of the Republican Party for the presidency in 2024, has reaffirmed his commitment to abolish Obamacare, stating that the program lacks merit. He pledges to replace it with a more effective strategy, but he has yet to propose another one.
As a result of Trump’s statement, Vice President Joe Biden has been given the chance to highlight his work to reform the legislation as one of the ways he is attempting to reduce healthcare expenses. A number of measures have been taken by the president in order to improve the appeal of Obamacare. These measures include increasing the amount of government premium subsidies through 2025 and allowing a greater number of families to qualify for help.
The surge in enthusiasm for Obamacare insurance would make it more difficult for Trump to undermine the health reform legislation, which is something that he and legislative Republicans unsuccessfully attempted to accomplish when he took office in 2017. Under the Affordable Care Act, during the time of open enrollment, there were approximately 12.2 million people who signed up for coverage.