Bioactives from hemp support gut function preclinical data from U.S-based bioactive company, Brightspeed has recently published its findings that two compounds found in hemp hulls, N-trans feruloyl tyramine (NFT) &N-trans caffeoyl-tyramine (NCT), potentially support gut health and improve its function.  The overall health of the human body is impacted by gut health, particularly the immune system and gut-brain axis. Overall gut health is influenced by the gut barrier which allows the absorption of nutrients and provides protection against toxins and pathogens. In fact, it is hypothesized that Increased permeability of the intestinal epithelium (leaky gut) is connected to impaired gut health.  Bioactives are known as the “dark matter” of nutrition and are compounds produced by microbes, plants, and fungi. They are particularly known for growing in adverse conditions and have been known to be used as active ingredients in medicines in the past. The company is in te field of artificial intelligence and biosciences, especially for the purpose of using it to restore human health, Data from the in vitro study was published in the Journal of Food Bioactives, a peer-reviewed journal, and revealed that the two bioactive, NCT and NFT could improve gut barrier function in human primary intestinal epithelial cell culture using RepliGut. When said bioactive interacted with inflamed cells, significant improvement was observed in transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and intestinal permeability. The HNF4ɑ protein in the gut is associated with decreased gut barrier integrity and poor intestinal health, while the two bioactive compounds have been known to act as antagonists to the protein and hinder these developments.  Jim Flatt, CEO and co-founder of Brightseed stated "These insights into how NCT and NFT can support gut function, and specifically gut barrier strength by restoring a healthy epithelium barrier, provide a strong foundation for the clinical research that is underway to substantiate the benefits of natural ingredients for personalized and proactive health solutions." It was due to Brightseed’s AI platform Forager that the company was able to find a source for NCT and NFT in hemp hulls. The propriety AI has been known to accelerate biological validation, ingredient formulation, and bioactive discovery not only in gut health but last year the 2 bioactive compounds were also revealed to help clear fat from the liver. This may possibly influence our ability to manage non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and combatting obesity.  The company also launched Brightseed Bio 01 last year. The project worked to produce and upcycled hemp-based dietary fiber ingredients that could not only optimize the amount of NCT and NFT but also had a similar nutritional profile as the hemp hull.  According to Sofia Elizondo, COO of Brightseed, the company’s experience in advanced metabolomics and computational bioactive discovery will enable it to help the food, beverage, and supplement industry to discover the full scope of bioactive in human health. NCT and NFT have already been observed to effectively supplement the health gains from cereals, granolas, and nutrition bars. To read updated news on Health click here

Bioactives from hemp support gut function preclinical data from U.S-based bioactive company, Brightspeed has recently published its findings that two compounds found in hemp hulls, N-trans feruloyl tyramine (NFT) &N-trans caffeoyl-tyramine (NCT), potentially support gut health and improve its function. 

The overall health of the human body is impacted by gut health, particularly the immune system and gut-brain axis. Overall gut health is influenced by the gut barrier which allows the absorption of nutrients and provides protection against toxins and pathogens. In fact, it is hypothesized that Increased permeability of the intestinal epithelium (leaky gut) is connected to impaired gut health. 

Bioactives are known as the “dark matter” of nutrition and are compounds produced by microbes, plants, and fungi. They are particularly known for growing in adverse conditions and have been known to be used as active ingredients in medicines in the past. The company is in the field of artificial intelligence and biosciences, especially for the purpose of using it to restore human health,

Data from the in vitro study was published in the Journal of Food Bioactives, a peer-reviewed journal, and revealed that the two bioactive, NCT and NFT could improve gut barrier function in human primary intestinal epithelial cell culture using RepliGut. When said bioactive interacted with inflamed cells, significant improvement was observed in transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER) and intestinal permeability. The HNF4ɑ protein in the gut is associated with decreased gut barrier integrity and poor intestinal health, while the two bioactive compounds have been known to act as antagonists to the protein and hinder these developments. 

Jim Flatt, CEO and co-founder of Brightseed stated “These insights into how NCT and NFT can support gut function, and specifically gut barrier strength by restoring a healthy epithelium barrier, provide a strong foundation for the clinical research that is underway to substantiate the benefits of natural ingredients for personalized and proactive health solutions.”

It was due to Brightseed’s AI platform Forager that the company was able to find a source for NCT and NFT in hemp hulls. The propriety AI has been known to accelerate biological validation, ingredient formulation, and bioactive discovery not only in gut health but last year the 2 bioactive compounds were also revealed to help clear fat from the liver. This may possibly influence our ability to manage non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and combatting obesity. 

The company also launched Brightseed Bio 01 last year. The project worked to produce and upcycled hemp-based dietary fiber ingredients that could not only optimize the amount of NCT and NFT but also had a similar nutritional profile as the hemp hull. 

According to Sofia Elizondo, COO of Brightseed, the company’s experience in advanced metabolomics and computational bioactive discovery will enable it to help the food, beverage, and supplement industry to discover the full scope of bioactive in human health. NCT and NFT have already been observed to effectively supplement the health gains from cereals, granolas, and nutrition bars.

To read updated news on Health click here

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